5 Must Do Harry Potter Experiences at Universal Orlando

The last Harry Potter movie released in July of 2011 but that doesn’t mean I don’t constantly watch the movies and read the books on a regular cadence. It’s honestly a comfort series that I could watch on repeat forever and not get bored.

I absolutely LOVE the Harry Potter franchise and have compiled 5 MUST DO Harry Potter experiences at Universal Orlando for all you witches and wizards. In fact, bring your muggle friends with you so they can be cultured.

So let’s dive into the 5 must do’s!

#1 Experience Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure

You will find this AMAZING ride in Islands of Adventure in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This ride is definitely thrilling and you’ll reach up to 50 mph through the Forbidden Forest. We don’t want to give everything away because we want you to experience it for yourself, but get ready to see your favorite creatures as you twist and turn and go up and down on this thrill ride!

This ride is the longest roller coaster in Florida measuring almost a mile long. You’ll also get to experience it two ways: in the sidecar and on the bike.

Say hi to Fluffy for me!

#2 Attend a Wand Ceremony at Ollivanders

This experience will take you back to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philosophers stone) as you attend your very own wand ceremony. One lucky witch or wizard will be chosen from the attendees to participate in the ceremony. Throughout the experience, the participant will follow the instructions of the wizard to see which wand has chosen them. They can even purchase that exact wand after the ceremony.

This experience is available in Universal Studios (Diagon Alley) as well as Islands of Adventure (Hogsmeade) and since I’ve been chosen TWICE for this experience, here are a few of my tips:

✨ Get in Line for this event early! There’s typically less people so you’re more likely to be chosen.

✨ Wear Hogwarts merchandise! This shows the witch or wizard that you are serious!

✨ CHEESE IT UP! aka Smile a Lot! I was practically giddy.

✨ If they ask if you have a wand, say NO! If you say yes, they will move on to someone else.

Even if you aren’t chosen, it’s still a fun experience. If you wish to purchase a wand after the ceremony you are welcome to do so! If you choose an interactive wand, you can cast spells throughout Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Each wand comes with a map to show you where the practice areas are located.

#3 Ride the Hogwarts Express

ALL ABOARD! It’s time to ride the Hogwarts Express! This train is a beauty and definitely a must do on our list if you haven’t done it before. The only way you can ride the train is if you have a Park-to-Park ticket, so be sure to purchase one at time of booking.

The Hogwarts Express will take you to the other Universal park as you watch a Harry Potter themed show in your cabin. The show will change based on your destination of Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley so be sure to ride the train both ways to get both experiences!

#4 Take a Wrong Turn Down Knockturn Alley

If you like creepy and spooky things, take a wrong turn down Knockturn Alley near Diagon Alley. Here you will find some dark and mysterious merchandise in the shop as well as some shrunken heads! This is a definitely a place where Slytherins would gather.

You can find Knockturn Alley just past the Leaky Cauldron. The alley is VERY DARK (like dark for your eyeballs) so take a moment to let your eyes adjust so you won’t be like me and run into a pole.

#5 Drink a Butterbeer

YUM BUTTERBEER! Do I think of it all the time and want it constantly? YES! Every time I go to Universal Orlando I MUST get at least one but probably two butterbeers. There are 3 different kinds of butterbeer drinks: cold, frozen, and hot but you can also purchase fudge, potted cream and ice cream.

I’ve personally tried the cold and frozen drinks so far and my favorite is cold, however, my husband is all about the frozen.

You can get a butterbeer in both Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade so if you’re only visiting one park you won’t have to miss out! Universal also just released a new vegan, non-dairy version of cold and frozen Butterbeer. You can get it in Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks and in Diagon Alley at the Leaky Cauldron.

We hope you’ve loved this article and will try out all of these fun experiences the next time you visit Universal Orlando! If you have any questions or would like to book your next trip, please contact us and schedule a free consultation today.

Best Wishes ✨


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